About Otto

Otto Collins
Otto Collins
Certified Transformational Coach

My Story

Ever since I can remember I've always been interested in personal and spiritual growth and I've always wanted to make a difference in other people's lives.

In 1999, without any formal training whatsoever, my wife Susie and I started sharing from our hearts what had been working for us to help us create a totally amazing relationship. Back then, I had no idea that giving a few talks and sharing with people our secrets of love would turn into a worldwide outreach--but it has.

Today, I help people from all walks of life heal their relationships, create more income, find more peace and happiness by simply sharing the truths behind a happy, successful and meaningful life.

I'm a certified transformational relationship and life coach, author, speaker, spiritual teacher, seminar leader, businessman, and spiritual seeker who spends his time helping men and women all over the world tap into the love, spark and creative wisdom that’s inside all of us all the time. I'm also a frequent guest on podcasts, radio talk shows, web sites, blogs, videos, webinars and live events.

Along with my wife, Susie, I am the co-author of over a dozen books and programs on love, relationships, and personal and spiritual growth including Magic Relationship Words, Should You Stay or Should you Go?, and Stop Talking On Eggshells.

My latest book, Preaching to Monkeys was written to offer hope, healing and understanding for fathers, sons, and the people who love them.

If there's ever anything I can do to help you--here's how you can contact me.

If You Read "Preaching to Monkeys" and want to see some photos of my dad at different times in his life, I've added a few below...

A Photo of my Dad and Mom the year they got married